joel marion (dot) blogspot (dot) com
My name is Joel. This is my Blog.

Thursday, December 07, 2006
a Digital Apocalypse
remember that story you heard once about the student who was writing all his papers when his computer goes to shit with a virus? Guess who just spent the last two days fighting with his computer...
Yesterday morning, about 10:00am I got a warning from my up-until-then trusty AVG Antivirus that I had a trojan. So I do what it tells me, and reboot my computer... and... nothing... Operating System won't start. So I'm freaking out, til finally I say, "okay, fine, I can do a repair-install of XP, and not lose all my data." so I do that... just re-install a new copy of XP over the old one, disconnect the extra hard drive with all my really important stuff on it (mostly music, including all my recordings), and plop down a new copy of XP to get things loaded again. So I get at some of my data, burn it off to DVD, and start it all over from scratch...
So I did a clean install, fearing that whatever killed my system might still be around, and realizing that the overlaid install was messing up bad....
format C: this will erase all data on C:\ do you wish to continue? Y/N
Well, of course not, but what choice have I got?
..and so began my two day venture to re-install and... oh, wait, no something didn't work right, do it again ... to re-install... no, better not use that version of XP, it's buggy, just use the XP Home version you got when you bought your computer... and install... What do you mean it won't recognize my monitor? aaaarrrggg!!
And so along that path I have been to the brink of sanity and back, and feel as if I will teeter on the edge for a little while longer, since XP Home refuses to recognize the disk partitioning system I created on my extra drive! (the one with all my recording and music on it). Yes... not only am I fighting with my computer, but I have to do it with NO MUSIC!!
Oh, and I still have two papers to write, and a pile of exams and book reports to mark. It's enough to drive a man insane. seriously, buy me a drink or something, I need it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'll buy you a drink on the 22nd if you can come out to see Jeff's show at Shannon's. I work till midnight but should be there shortly after.