joel marion (dot) blogspot (dot) com
My name is Joel. This is my Blog.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Blogsite Reformat
Well, it took me long enough, but I finally got the page to look the way I wanted. That silly offset where the middle column and right column didn't quite fill the screen were driving me nuts. But the sillier part is that it took something completely different to inspire the adjustments... I was getting ready to grade papers for the class in which I am the TA, and I wanted to look up UNESCO on the web, for whatever reason. Then, as is my custom, I did a bit of wandering around their site. Somehow I ended up on some other site (and no, I have no idea now where I ended up), and they had this great "banner across the top" style, full-page with side columns ... bla, bla, bla... it looked nice, is the point. and it got me thinking, geeze, I keep sending people to my blogsite and I still haven't fixed that stupid column issue... well, now I'm happy. Of course, someone's gonna have to tell me it doesn't work on their platform because their screen is at 400x600 or they're using the opera browser or something like that. Well, if that's your problem then let me know, and while you're at it, read my html, and research how I can make it compatible, because i'm tired of fiddling with code and I need to sleep.

goodnight, and thank you for being bored at my blog entry.


---{an afterthought: yes, I realize now that it doesn't look right in internet explorer... you should be using firefox anyways... grrr.... I'll fix it later. }--