The former Canada Packers site is being eyed for potential development as Winnipeg’s first urban reserve. The site would be used for first nations businesses which would be exempted from paying taxes due to their status. Though supported by Mayor Sam Katz, the deal leaves many winnipeggers, particularly local businesses, unsettled.BBC: Indonesia fears bird flu epidemic
Indonesia could soon face a bird flu epidemic, the health minister has warned, after the death of a young girl suspected of having the disease. Source unclear, leading fear of an epidemic.STL Today: U.S. deaths in Iraq top 1,900
Questions remain as to whether a tenable settlement has been reached, as parties to the negotiations disagree over some of the agreement’s clauses. Notably: whether or not North Korea will be allowed to keeps its peaceful nuclear power plants.Boston Globe: As another storm looms, New Orleans halts reentry
Concerned over Hurricane Rita, about to make landfall, Mayor reverses stance on repopulation of New Orleans.IHT: After a Nearly Tied Election, Germany’s Big Parties Meet to Discuss Coalition
Using its oil production as leverage, Iran has warned that it will withdraw from the Nuclear NPT if its case is brought before the Security Council. Iran claim its nuclear program is purely peaceful.SwissInfo: Afghans count votes, al Qaeda rejects poll "farce"
SARS was easy, this could kill millions.Kofi Annan calls UN Summit “A Glass Half Full”
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, in an op-ed piece, tries to save what remains of the UN Summit’s watered-down outcome document, claiming it to be “a remarkable expression of world unity.”Have a good one,
Exploring Canada's Role in the World
Bayamulenge Tutsi Community in Congo Threatened wi...
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10,000 Days
A deep breath... a moment set upon contemplation q...
"He's Just Not That Into Ewe" - Gay Science and Sheep
What's that light?
Sabre Rattling Again