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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bayamulenge Tutsi Community in Congo Threatened with Genocide

Five Thousand Tribal Militia Threaten Genocide against Tutsi Bayamulenge in Congo
Washington, DC July 10, 2007 Five thousand armed Interahamwe, tribal Militia (Mai-Mai), and Congolese regular Army are currently encircling Banyamulenge villages located in the high mountains of Sud-Kivu province with the intent of carrying out acts of genocide akin to that of 1996, when they selectively massacred Banyamulenge in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The most recent massacre against the Banyamulenge people took place in August 2004 in Gatumba.

For the planners of this pending genocide, this period is chosen because of its sensitivity for the Banyamulenge, who are commemorating the 2004 Banyamulenge massacre that occurred in Gatumba.

We call upon United States of America, United Nations, European Union, and Human Right Watch, to stop this planned Genocide. We call for help to stop this genocidal ideology of Kabila, Interahamwe, and general Masunzu. We ask the International Court for Crimes against Humanity to put them on trial for their plans to exterminate the Banyamulenge Community.

The pretext that President Kabila uses to mislead the international Community regarding the presence of these armed groups in and all around Banyamulenge village is to fight less than a hundred Banyamulenge militaries who want to negotiate the conditions to join the regular army because in 1998 all the militaries Banyamulenge who were serving in the regular army in other provinces than North and South Kivu were systematically disarmed and executed. More recently in February 2007, when negotiations were about to be signed, President Kabila gave the orders to Gal Masunzu to attack and kill these skeptical Banyamulenge militaries, increasing their doubt that they would be sent to isolated areas without knowing why their fellows were killed by the regular Army.

These thousands of Interahamwe, Mai-Mai tribal militia, and the Congolese army want to kill the Banyamulenge population under the pretense that they are fighting against a resistant armed Banyamulenge group. According to the population who had the chance to escape, 4 men were already killed resisting Interahamwe, who were destroying their farms and cattle to get food. The Mission of the UN in Congo (MONUC) has demonstrated indifference to this obvious intention of massacring Banyamulenge, and are failing to protect the civilian population.

Today we are informed of the rape of Banyamulenge women by these armed groups, who are sent to our villages without food or shelter by the government. They claim they have received orders to use anything that belongs to the Banyamulenge Community. Among the dire consequences: farms are devastated; people are forced to leave their houses; and cattle are killed. Rape and the fear of rape are preventing Banyamulenge women from getting out from their houses to look for food for themselves and their children. This causes panic and distress for our brothers and sisters who are encircled by the armed groups who carried out the massacres and genocide of few months and a few years ago.

We ask you to please help us spread this emergent news, to save lives, to promote peace building, true love and respect of human rights for every human being in DRC. While there is still a way lets do something, tomorrow may be too late for many lives. Thank you for taking action to save lives.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am so sad about what happened to our brothers and sisters Banyamurenge. I am Tutsi from Rwanda, my message to Hutus and Congoleses who's plan to eliminate our Tutsi groups is that God is on our side we will always defeat them". We will fight them and we will always win. Thank you for putting this blog, god bless you. Love and Peace