What do you want, what do I think, how do we feel, where are we going? So many blind spots leave me wondering how we survive, crawling around in the dark. Talk it out, know thyself, reflect before thinking, think before doing, but don’t spend all your time thinking lest you forget to get to the doing. Seek not your expectations in others, but know that you’re only satisfying those of a few. We talk. We play with ideas as if slowly giving and taking parts of ourselves in a slow construction of understanding, maybe if the other fits our image we trust, maybe they disappoint us and we hate them for what we despise in ourselves. Why relate except to seek happiness, maybe only to find a mirror in the other in order to make sense of parts of ourselves. And when that mirror disagrees with our mind who’s to blame? A friend, a relation, a person, a bond, fragile, tenable. Which version is the truth, the one you built up, or the one you see once it’s all fallen down? Like busy termites we eat and tear at the constructions of misperception, misunderstanding, to reconcile what is with what we see, and hope for balance. Am I what you see, do you see what I am? What candle do we hold to this darkness of oblivion but communication? But where do we learn to communicate but by accident, by consequence of living in community? Norms, identity, expectation, perception, labels, values, these all come from the “common” experience which is entirely unique for every individual. But what if our common experience is entirely uncommon and unshared? This confusion, this stumbling of minds falling over each other. Can we not still nurture the flame and fight back the darkness together?