joel marion (dot) blogspot (dot) com
My name is Joel. This is my Blog.

Sunday, September 03, 2006
As many of you are aware, my participation in the DRC election observer mission was (as far as financing goes) completely independent. As I was a latecomer to the team (having not heard about it until about a month before departure) I did not have the benefit of the fundrainsing activities that took place earlier in the year. I owe a great debt of gratitute to the Knutsons, the Penners, the Chéniers, (hopefully some more generous family members?), and Ms. Alderson for their generous donations towards my efforts. Those contributions went towards sending Georgette's orphans to school this year, as well as feeding me and covering my in-country travel expenses. I still have a fairly substantial debt to cover, somewhere in the range of $3000, mostly from the cost of airfare. I was able to access the funds thanks to a line of credit which is now happily gathering interest.

I'm hoping that between student loans and maybe a few more generous benefactors I can get this debt burden under control in order to focus on my studies for this, my last year at the University of Winnipeg.

If you're reading this thinking "of all the things in my life that I spend money on, Joel's work in the Congo seems like a particularly valuable cause," please don't hesitate to contact me ( No amount is too small to make an impact.

Sure, after the fact I can't motivate people with the thought that "without your money this trip won't be possible" because I made it possible - by borrowing the money from the bank... but now the bank wants the money back, and i'm still hard at work at school.

And what, exactly am I doing in school? well, like I said, this is my last year at the U of W. I'll be finishing my Honours in Politics in order to graduate with a double major in Conflict Resolution Studies and Politics (BA Hons.). Just this last week I was honoured to receive the Lloyd Axworthy Scholarship in Politics for my exceptional academic standing and the work I have been doing in the University community and the DRC. Apparently the administration noticed that I've been hard at work.

I'm praying to find a sponsor to send me back to the DRC for the second round of the Presidential Elections, October 29, 2006. After all, this is where the elections will really make a difference. the overall balance of peace in the country is truly on shaky ground. With a clear divide in the allegiances of the country between the two candidates and their supporters in the east and west, and with so much riding on the outcome of this final leg of the post-conflict transitional process, it is absolutely imperative that the international community do everything in its power to ensure the transparency of the electoral process.

it is absolutely imperative that the international community do everything in its power to ensure the transparency of the electoral process.

So, if you know of any major funding sources, or if you yourself think you can muster some funds to contribute to this truly massive undertaking please contact me. All the support I have been receiving, both financial and moral, have been greatly appreciated. I believe we truly are making a difference towards the greater goal of building peace in this ravaged country.

I am planning on doing some presentations on the election observing, as well as my overall experience in the DRC over the next few months. Keep watching the blog, and I'll post something as soon as it's planned. (and if you want me to email you directly just let me know, I can do that too).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all so proud of your efforts in the Congo and academic pursuits. Congrats on the Lloyd Axworthy scholarship! It's great to get some recognition. I hope others will help finance your trip. I wish I could give more - really!!!