joel marion (dot) blogspot (dot) com
My name is Joel. This is my Blog.

Thursday, January 25, 2007
"He's Just Not That Into Ewe" - Gay Science and Sheep

When science slams into the uninformed blogger

I stumbled across this article in my daily perusal of the webs myriad offerings of "news." It's about the backlash against Oregon University researcher, Charles Roselli, who is searching for physiological determinants of homosexuality in male sheep (Rams). Apparently plenty of people have lashed out, with varying degrees of accuracy in their target, against this research. The threat, as opponents see it, is in the implications for human application, particularly genetic selection and the potential for parents to choose whether or not their children are gay.

I found it absolutely fascinating that the arguments against this research rely so heavily on a naturalistic "let nature be" argument, with such a strong defensive stance. Granted, we should be aware of how any research can be manipulated, especially when it threatens the identity of an entire group; but I couldn't get past the determinist manner in which opponents assumed this research would result in a means of "controlling" homosexuality in humans. I was really surprised that no one stood up and said "great! hopefully now we can explain that homosexuality is natural, and exists beyond the human realm."

It seems that, once again, people have failed to make the distinction between nefarious acts like eugenics, and the tools that make them, and various other benign aspects of science, possible. Or maybe I'm reading it wrong, and this is just the door to genetic selection - regardless of "benign" scientific exploration. I tend to prefer a society in which knowledge is open and its application is a matter of political decision-making; though I can't say I'm not guilty of the occasional idealism despite reality.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
What's that light?
what's that light, over there... at the end of the tunnel?

Going over my "academic plan" again today, after having dropped courses last term, and picked up a wicked directed readings this term, I realized that I'm only three more credit hours away from finishing my honours BA! Originally the directed readings was to be three credit hours, but my supervisor decided that there was sufficient material and work that it should be worth twice as much. So now all I need to do is find a spring course worth those extra three hours, and I can graduate fall 2007! *phew.

Of course, this reignites the question that was dogging me a few blog posts back... what the hell am I gonna do with myself. Or more specifically, what the hell can I do with my degree? I suppose I'll start researching international NGOs or low-level positions, and try to find someone willing to take on a green candidate. The alternative, for which I've received a bit of positive encouragement, is to spend the fall preparing my application for grad school(s).

The opportunity may technically have been there for me to try to get in for fall 2007, but the added pressure of getting an application in now (ridiculously close to deadlines), and going straight from spring/summer session into grad school would most certainly give me an aneurysm. And it will be nice to be able to relax a bit more next year. I'm thinking, depending on what kind of work I find, that I might take up another TA position or two (I actually really like it), and spend some time on research that I've been wanting to do for quite some time. Of course, some might say that that's what grad school is for, but I really want to slow down and chase down a few particularities with a level of detail that the high-pressure academic life just doesn't allow.

Hunker down, Joel... Hunker down...
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sabre Rattling Again

With no signs of let-up in the Iraq war, the American administration is growing uneasy about Iran’s growing intervention. With an already fragile relationship, and a stalemate on nuclear issues, the US and Iran have been staring each other down for some time now.

Last week US soldiers arrested five Iranians in Iraq, accusing them of arming and otherwise supporting the anti-US insurgency there. Now the Americans appear more willing than ever to cross the line with Iran.

Just last week President Bush ordered an additional 21,500 troops to the region, along with the an extra carrier strike group and Patriot anti-missile batteries – “a clear signal that [Bush] is giving himself the option of a military strike to halt Iran's suspected development of nuclear weapons.”

Of course, once you get into a pissing contest with an already bellicose country striving for regional dominance, there is no backing down. The United States doesn’t want to appear soft in dealing with Iran. But once again Bush is painting himself into a corner by referring at least, if not immediately resorting, to a military solution.

The rules of escalation are clear and well known. Iran is feeling more and more threatened, with thousands of American soldiers just over the border, and Bush’s less than subtle language.

Iran is far from innocent in this ordeal. Its insistence on nuclear development (which, if it was purely non-military should not be afraid of IAEA inspections), and manipulation of the Iraq insurgency have served as reciprocally belligerent affronts against the Americans.

In this kind of diplomatically fragile atmosphere, it is what is not being said that matters most. The Americans refusal to rule out crossing the Iranian border, regardless of all the caveats of recognized risk, is a clear sign to the Iranians to prepare for war.

Friday, January 12, 2007
Straight from the heart
I had imagination between my fingers
determined to get what I thought I knew I thought I wanted

     Can't you see that you're not what I need
     don't you know that despite it you're
     so perfect, remind me to smile
     apologize and rationalize

like catching smoke
I made a mess of what I reached for
couldn't match my ambitions
drew a line and took a step

     Can't you see that you're not what I need
     don't you know that despite it you're
     so perfect, remind me to smile
     apologize and rationalize

I'm unapologetic
save to say that I regret a weak imagination
two shoes and time, I've got my line
I'm moving on

     Can't you see that you're not what I need
     don't you know that despite it you're
     so perfect, remind me to smile
     apologize and rationalize
