joel marion (dot) blogspot (dot) com
My name is Joel. This is my Blog.

Thursday, April 06, 2006
Pandora's Music box

Amidst the frantic reading and writing that is this academic season I have somehow found time to be exposed to yet another interesting corner of the web. You can all thank Erin for introducing us to, the website that streams music to you based on your favourite bands and input. So let’s say you like Thelonious Monk, you type in his name and the first thing pandora does is play one of his songs, but what comes next? This is the cool part. it plays similar music based on the style. So maybe next is Chick Corea, then Charlie Parker then, what’s this? Something I’ve never heard of before! Cool, new good tunes just like the stuff I already like. And if there’s a song I don’t like I tell pandora not to play that kind of thing anymore, and it listens. Or if I really like it I can tell it to play more of the same. Okay, the sales pitch is done, just go check it out, it’s really cool.
